יום שישי, 7 בנובמבר 2014

Municipality of Tel Aviv by night

I am not going to describe again why the Urban sketchers went to draw to the municipality this night, many sketchers did it in this blog before, it will be an occasion to go backwards and enjoy their work… What I felt during this session is a kind of urge to draw fast and clear the people passing in front of me, not only because they never staid around very long but also because of the music played by the DJ. It's hard to explain but I think because it was a bit too loud, I had to close myself in a bubble of high concentration and be only focused on my models, as if they were isolated in a cloud. I supprised myself not even noticing that some people were actually standing right in front of me and staring at me drawing - I almost had a choc when they talked to me ! I lose all my confidence when it happens in general ! Anyway, here is my production, I added washi tape on my drawings after when I got back home… Kind of collage added to the simple pencils and watercolor because I felt that it didn't describe well enough the kind of trendy and "artistic" caracters we had in front of us. If I felt it was one of the most difficult exercice of urban sketching I did, the experience was extremely intense and I had a lot of fun

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