יום חמישי, 11 באוקטובר 2018

Few days in Lisbon I Part 1

After the Symposium of Urban sketchers in Porto, we went to spend 5 days in Lisbon with my husband. Full of the creative energy received previously, I kept on drawing Lisbon that I was discovering for the first time. Here also I divided my drawings into two different sketchbooks:  the moleskine for the colorful sketches… and the Leuchtturm1917 for the people. You will discover the second one in a next post.

First place you go when you arrive after 5 days of traveling ? The public laundry !

Second place you go ? To rent a motocycle and sketch while your husband is closing the deal !

Gracia neighborhood, The lady of the hill square : an amazing view on Lisbon

We staid between Bairro alto and Principe real. Very funny trendy bars to sketch at night…

… and more classy streets of Principe Real during the day !

Few sketches of LX Factory block, cool place to hang out !

Fancy restaurant in LX Factory

A shop in LX Factory 

 LX Factory again

Window shopping at night in Principe Real… Super sad but very unexpected model to draw.

The entry of our street

Our courtyard

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