Here are some of the sketches I did last saturday at the Ilana Goor Museum, in the Old city of Jaffa.
Thanks Ira for letting me draw in such a place, full of sculptures of all kind, Ilana Goor's work but also her collection from all over the world. 2 or 3 hours are really not enough to get full profit of this amazing place, architecturally speaking, but also the inspiration that offers the collection. I'll go back !
Jo Maternity figure, Bamana, Mali - African wooden sculptures |
Bronze, Ilana Goor |
Camel, Bronze by Barye |
Chandelier, bronze by Ilana Goor |
Crow, bronze by Ilana Goor |
Cow, bronze |
On the left : Engine Yontune, Bronze, Ankara 1929
On the right : Crow, bronze Ilana Goor |
wow, girl, you did it! Pity I couldn't make it... Really intriguing, I love your experiments with techniques!
השבמחקvery interesting, i wish i could come