יום שישי, 15 באוגוסט 2014

Château de Biron - France

When I was visiting the South-West of France in July, we went to visit a big castle named Château de Biron, in Périgord (Dordogne). On the top of a hill, this impressive building from the XIIth century gives an amazing view on the countryside all around until the pyrenees mountains…

From down in the village

From down in the village
From the castle

"Escalier à vis" going up in the tower

From the tower

Trying to feel like a princess !

3 תגובות:

  1. Great! i really like the second and the third
    and i love your panoramic sketchbook :D

  2. two princesses indeed! looks like fairy tale :)

  3. Amazing work! You must read Wandering by Herman Hesse. You'll love the book and youll love the illustrations.
